Mission Statement
To revolutionize material performance for a broad array of engineering applications, including automotive, aviation, defense, energy, healthcare, medicine, and space.
Mission Statement
To revolutionize material performance for a broad array of engineering applications, including automotive, aviation, defense, energy, healthcare, medicine, and space.

Highlighting research projects in JAM2

Predicting the Integrity of Additively Manufactured Nickel Alloys
This AFRL-funded MIDAS3 project aims to enhance the predictive capability for properties of geometrically complex components of nickel alloys fabricated by laser powder-bed fusion (LPBF)…

Design of 3D Woven Metallic Micro-lattices
Micro-lattices manufactured by advanced 3D weaving processes are emerging as an exciting architected material with multi-functional capabilities. Past work has shown that these materials can…

Strength and Toughness of Brittle Cellular Solids
Brittle cellular solids combine low weight with a large surface area and have thus found use in energy storage devices, filtration, acoustic insulation, armored textiles…

Anisotropy in Additively Manufactured Materials
This project aims to develop additively manufactured (AM) metallic materials and components offering exceptional and fully customizable combinations of mass, strength and stiffness. In collaboration…

COVID-19 Response: 3D-Printed Components
In the midst of ventilator and personal protective equipment shortages due to COVID-19, JAM2 researchers collaborated with colleagues across JHU and other universities to design…

Topology optimization for CNT composites
This project is based in NASA’s Ultra-Strong Composites by Computational Design (US-COMP) Space Technology Research Institute, aimed at developing new materials to meet stiffness and strength demands…

Topology Optimization of Additively Manufactured Structures Accounting for Variabilities
This project seeks to develop design methods that account for uncertainties that may arise in the manufacture and operation of components and structures produced through…

Topology Optimization of Lightweight, Additively Manufactured Material Systems for Space
This NASA Early Stage Innovation (ESI) project seeks to exploit the design freedom provided by additive manufacturing (AM) by integrating the free-form design approach of…

EMI Announces New Technical Committee on Architected Materials
The Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers recently announcement the formation of a new technical committee on Architected Materials. The…

JAM2 Researchers Present Space-related Research on Capitol Hill
Earlier this month, CaSE associate professor Jamie Guest, along with PhD candidates Julia Carroll and Alberto Torres, represented their research during the Space Technology Research Grants…

Announcing Symposia Related to Architected Materials and Additive Manufacturing
JAM2 researchers Stavros Gaitanaros, Jochen Mueller, and James Guest are co-organizing symposia at multiple conferences on the topics of architected materials and additive manufacturing. We…